Something to Ponder

When I picture the life of a child, I think of spending time with friends, riding a bike, playing sports, and even waiting for the dreaded school bus to come (with my parents, if I’m really young). I picture a rather carefree lifestyle with my parents worrying about how I’m getting to school that day, taking me to the doctor when I’m sick, and providing necessities like food, shelter, and clothing. For many people, this idyllic childhood is how they experienced growing to adulthood. They focused on school, sports, and friends; always having access to a refrigerator which consistently contained a snack for when they were hungry, a closet full of clothes, and a warm bed to sleep in at the end of the day.

The irony contained in this type of idyllic illustration of a nuclear family is the fragility and ease at which it can disappear. Maybe, you are an immigrant to the country and this was your life before moving to the U.S. However, your parents don’t speak English very well and now you must help them survive and consequently the rest of your family. They rely on your ability to speak English; Also, perhaps your parent’s skills may be more useful in your home country so the only employment they can achieve is minimum wage. This is a significant change in one’s standard of living and can have a huge impact on a family, especially a teenager. Minimum wage is not enough to care for an entire family, therefore you must get a job to help supplement your parent’s income. In addition, you also have to attend school and take your siblings to the doctor’s when they are ill, leaving little time for extracurriculars and other experiences of being a teenager.

This is a reality for some people. It is adversity. It is also an example of poverty affecting a teenager’s life. But the highlighting feature is the ease at which a comfortable lifestyle can be completely altered. It also illustrates the perseverance and dedication some children must endure in order to complete their education and take care of their family. There are many who don’t have the will and drive to achieve what a few exceptional individuals accomplish in similar circumstances. So next time you see a child heading to school, take a second and ponder what challenges they face in their daily lives.